useful tips for living on Zamalek , cairo

if you want to live in Zamalek cairo you have to learn many things . today zamalekflats shows you some useful tips to live in zamalek .
zamalek flats
where to go ? :
Everyone goes to see Pyramids in Giza and downtown to see the Egyptian Museum. But for a real slice of Cairo life, make sure to walk around old Islamic Cairo. like El Hossain mosque , and Khan el Khalili Bazaar has plenty of tourists, . It’s also worth it to pay a sunset visit to the large Al Azhar Park, just east of Islamic Cairo, which overlooks the city and is a great spot to hear all the mosques go off during the sunset .
Water sellers and other hawkers inside the Pyramids. You will pay an absolute fortune for their wares.
see also :
-5 tips to rent an apartment in zamalek
“Baksheesh” (or tipping) is a way of life in Egypt, and it ‘s common to give a bit of change when someone unlocks a door for you or shows you a good viewpoint, but keep it to change or ask locals what is appropriate.
Your Pyramids ticket is good all day. Come in the morning while it is cooler, with better light for photographs, then go out for a long lunch break, and come back in to finish off what you didn’t see in the afternoon.
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